If I claimed this next idea to be my own, well, I'd be a big fat stupid liar (and a plagiarist), but when thinking of my next few articles I thought this was a perfect fit. A couple of weeks ago on ESPN.com, Bill Simmons wrote an article of his favorite 20 video clips on YouTube.com. For those of you that haven't yet experienced YouTube, it is a goldmine of video clip hilarity (as well as other emotions, but I like the hilarity factor). His article was clever and I'd be lying if I were to say I didn't chuckle at a few of the clips, but if it were my article I would have changed a few things.
Since this is, in fact, my article, I have made a few changes. While his were a nice collection of sports/pop/other non-sports related videos, I thought I should just stick to what I am good at...sports and being insanely hilarious. Luckily I have found a way to combine the two in this next segment.
That's right, for your viewing pleasure alone I have, to the best of my ability, compiled The Top 40 Sports Related Clips from the Internet. The next four articles will count down, in reverse order (because that's what a countdown is), these clips. For my readers who are still in the elementary stages of math, that is ten clips per article. The thing with countdowns people...you have stick with them. They get progressively better, and while numbers 40-31 might not exactly peak your interest, the rest surely will.
Let's kick it off, clips #40-31:
40. Wayne Rooney's curve job - While I
39. Animals in Sports - This is just a nice silly little clip of animals that have found their way on to the field of play. It also serves fair warning to any living thing in the way of a Randy Johnson fastball.
38. Irv Smith's Determination - In 1991 Notre Dame backup tight end Irv Smith literally carried multiple Indiana defenders on this back for 20+ yards into the endzone. This normally amazing feat loses some mojo due to the defenders being, well, on Indiana. But watch the replay and think of how much you would hate yourself if you were that guy receiving a 20 yard piggy-back ride. Poor #31.
37. Ref Training - This is actually a commercial, but I find it rather amusing. I loved it when it was on the air, and just in case any of you missed it then...here is how referees train.
36. Immaculate Reception - One moment please...ok now that I am in a secure bomb shelter, safe from the attacks I am sure to receive from Max Zingle when he finds out that this clip isn't number one, we are ready to continue. Great play because of the timing and the magnitude of the game, but be honest...it's not THAT great of a catch. The ball did bounce right to him, and this play makes it obvious that God wanted the Steelers to win that year...which also takes a little away from Mr. Harris.
35. Barry Bonds Camera Flash - Still tucked away in the secured bomb shelter for when Zingle finds out that anything to do with Barry Bonds is ahead of the Immaculate Reception. This is for all those Bonds haters out there that think he is evil and should be tarred and feathered. Just watching the camera flashes go off as he steps out of the dugout proves the man still has supporters.

33. Orca v. Kayak - Kayaking is kinda a sport. Well I guess it's more of an activity...but it's a sporty activity. Anyways, this clip is awesome. It would be Top Ten material if it contained more of a 'real' sport. Just picture yourself kayaking in the ocean with some friends and then all of a sudden...ORCA. They are lucky that kayak came back up to the surface.
32. Table Tennis - This clip is proof that Americans will never dominate the sport of Table Tennis. We just can't compete with these guys, he does a cart-wheel after a shot! That's ok though, it IS only ping-pong.
31. Brandon Lloyd's catch - Now THIS is a catch Zingle! (FYI: Max just broke the record for most times mentioned in one article...that happens when you advertise my site like he does) Brandon Lloyd has actually made great catches like this a habit, but this one stands a cut above the rest. What makes it even more impressive is that he had to pull the ball into his body before getting hit by the safety.
There you have it...the 'bottom' ten in the list of the Top 40. Numbers 30-21 coming up soon.
(Ethan Bennett, Ethan Bennett, Ethan Bennett...he also has been working hard to promote the site and I did not want him to feel left out)